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Father with baby

toddler troubles: soothing baby & baby’s bottom during spells of diarrhea.


Diarrhea It’s a horrible word. Horrible to look at, horrible to say and horrible to spell. But as any parent knows, when a baby has diarrhea, it is the most horrible thing of all.

Because it’s bad enough when you’re just about to leave the house and your baby does a poop, but when this is ramped up a notch, and your baby does a poop every time you get out of the car, go to a cafe, get into playgroup - it is so tiring.

"We've had a couple of poo-nados (explosive poops that decimate every article of clothing in their path),” says Sadie, mum [mom] to Tony. “One time in particular on a hot summer day in the park, they just kept coming. Nappy changes on park benches next to inquisitive Canada geese and three outfit changes. Was one of those moments where we thought, if we can do this, we can do anything! It all only makes you stronger"

diarrhea: the first time

As well as being a logistical nightmare, diarrhea can be a bit scary too.

“Nathan was 10 months old the first time he had diarrhea and it really freaked me out,” says mom, Alison. “The idea of something inside him, affecting him like this, was really worrying and I hated that I couldn’t do anything about it. On the third day I went to the doctors, and they said it was a viral infection and gave me a rehydration sachet to put in his water. Overall I think it lasted a good week.”

diarrhea: causes and treatment

Diarrhea – frequent, liquidy poop – can last days and can come about from something in a baby’s diet, or infection or a stomach bug. Diarrhea is common and usually passes on its own, but if your baby has it, the most important thing is to ensure is they’re drinking enough fluids to avoid dehydration (including breastmilk if they are breastfed). See your healthcare practitioner if:

  • Your baby is under 12 months old and has diarrhea or vomiting

  • You or your child (over 12 months old) have signs of dehydration – such as dark, smelly pee or peeing less than usual

  • Your child has more than five bouts of diarrhea or vomits more than three times in 24 hours

  • Keeps vomiting and is unable to keep fluid down

  • Is still dehydrated despite using oral rehydration sachets

  • Has bloody diarrhea

  • Has green or yellow vomit

  • Has diarrhea for more than 7 days or vomiting for more than 2 days

diarrhea and teething

It is often said that teething causes diarrhea because babies produce extra saliva during this time, which they swallow, which in turn makes their poop liquidy. However, scientific research has yet to back this claim up, so for now - the jury is out on whether this is true or not.

Diarrhea and nappy rash

This isn’t a nice time for you and really isn’t great for your poor baby either, as all that poop against their delicate skin means more chance of nappy rash.

It’s more important than ever to keep on top of changing your baby’s nappy if they have diarrhoea, and that’s where WaterWipes can help. Created by a father who was concerned about his own daughter’s nappy rash, they contain just water and a drop of fruit extract and are the world’s purest baby wipe.

This is a frustrating time but oh-so-common for parents, so remember - you’re not alone. And if you are ever concerned about your baby’s diarrhea, always consult your midwife or healthcare practitioner.



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