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Father and mother playing with their baby.

You are not alone: connecting with other parents

2 minutes


One of the hardest parts of parenthood is dealing with the loneliness that often comes with it. For while you may well be full of more love than you thought possible for your new arrival, the change of lifestyle can feel isolating.

Perhaps you have a partner that has gone back to work, and there is now a big difference between how the two of you spend day-to-day life? Perhaps you’re a single parent, or maybe just spending a large chunk of your time with a baby, rather than at work or socialising, is making you miss your ‘old self’?

Whatever you’re experiencing, you are certainly not alone, and finding others who understand what you’re going through will be so invaluable. Here are a few tips on how to connect with other parents.

Join a few antenatal classes

While it can be hard to muster the energy to join different groups and classes while pregnant, they can be a great way to meet others. From advice groups run by organisations such as the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) to specific exercise classes or even hypnotherapy groups, there’s a huge variety to try. You may not ‘click’ instantly with everyone, but if there’s even one other parent in your area that you keep in touch with, it’s worth it.

Look for parenting groups post-baby

Similarly with antenatal classes, postnatal groups can feel like a bit of a hassle, but do try and head to a few, because in time you’re likely to get to know some of the other parents and have the odd chat. And a conversation with another adult, particularly one who may be in the same position as you, be that sleep-deprived or struggling with single parenthood, will go a long way to alleviating loneliness.

Head to online communities

Getting out of the house is hugely important, but of course there will be many an hour you want, or need, to spend at home, in which case online parenting communities can come in handy. There’s a wide range of websites available, where you can ask questions, receive tried-and-tested tips, or even just find a sensitive response to anything you may be struggling with.

Ultimately there’s nothing wrong in feeling isolated after parenthood, so definitely don’t feel guilty for missing your old life. But if you can connect with others, in a way that suits you, you should feel at least a little of the loneliness lifting.