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Myth busting with mama of two, author and co-host of The Mother Yarns

Emily Writes


Parenting advice is everywhere. As soon as you become pregnant, there’s this understandable urge to educate and upskill yourself with blogs, Google, podcasts and even opinions from family and friends. It goes without saying that some are helpful, but plenty can be purely unsolicited.

So, how do you know what works or what doesn’t?

We speak with Emily Writes, co-host of The Mother Yarns podcast on her top five parenting myths – the stuff you’re led to believe or you just don’t know and the advice you believe is true but soon realise is not.

All babies sleep the same

Simply not true. That magical threshold of six weeks when babies supposedly sleep through the night is as dreamy as it sounds. There’s no one way a baby sleeps - some sleep well and others terribly. Have an open mind and do what works for you and your little one.

You need to be a ‘super parent’

Absolutely not – it’s okay to say no. Don’t feel pressured to do everything or have a ‘yes day’. Kids don’t mind having a day at home hanging out, after all, parents are human beings who deserve support and rest too.

Old wives’ tales work for every baby

False. You’ve likely heard or even tried one – cabbage leaves, swaddling, predicting baby gender, organic products only – the list goes on. Although every parent has their own tale, there is usually no scientific evidence behind them. Whether it’s amber beads for teething or seeing an osteopath for sleep and colic – find what works for you but know that it might not work for someone else.

The latest products make you a good parent

We’re constantly faced with new flashy products in this Instagram-perfect world we live in. It’s totally fine to have a second-hand buggy, second-hand clothes, or your favourite swaddle blanket you use over and over again. Material things aren’t what matters to a baby.

Milestones are everything

Not always true. As a first-time parent, I found working toward the expected weekly milestones can be isolating. No baby is the same which means milestones don’t make much sense. Instead, celebrate each day and spend time together as a family – that’s what matters the most.

The opinions and viewpoints expressed by the author in this guide do not necessarily reflect the views of WaterWipes and are intended as a general information resource. If you have any concerns about your baby, please consult a specialist or Healthcare Professional.

Viral blogger turned author and mother of two, Emily Writes is all too familiar with the difficulties of settling a newborn at 3am.

Emily Writes

She’s the name behind parenting books, Rants in the Dark and Is It Bedtime Yet? and is a regular columnist for The Spinoff, sharing her entertaining and witty accounts of parenting in all its glory. She’s also a co-host of the popular podcast series, The Mother Yarns and shares a weekly newsletter hitting inboxes weekly with snark, joy and topical weirdness.