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On-the-go with a newborn: Simone Anderson’s essentials


Having the right tools for the job when out-and-about with a newborn is a real trick of the trade not to mention a huge balancing act – having the desire to pack the whole baby room verse feeling very underprepared for any surprises that may come your way.

Boss mum and organisation queen, Simone Anderson lets us in on her secrets to mastering the essentials when you’re venturing out, or just milling around home – PSA: it involves a super handy caddy!


Pack as many as you think you’ll need plus add three more – you can never have enough! A car caddy stored in the boot with back-ups means you’ll never be caught short plus guarantees a more stress-free outing with baby.

Muslin cloths

Always super versatile with many uses – perfect for swaddling, like a drape to create shade or a blanket for your little one to lie on.


WaterWipes are incredible for every possible mess and trust me there are plenty! They are 100% plant-based making them perfect for the most sensitive skin and kinder on the planet. Keep a pack with you at all times – even your handbag.

Burp cloths

Keep one rolled up and tucked away close to hand, to catch all those unexpected spills!

Nipple cream and silverettes

In the madness of making sure baby is well looked after, parents often forget about themselves. For all the breastfeeding mamas, this is a winning combo and an absolute lifesaver when the nipples need some TLC.


Being armed or creating activities when your little one is awake can be challenging on the go. To keep those active hands occupied while you’re stuck in traffic or waiting in line at the supermarket, rattles work a treat.

Portable change mat

Built-in with your nappy bag, cloth nappy or hand towel – find a ‘mat’ that works for you. A surface that’s compact, comfy and easy to clean is key so you can give it a quick wipe down before and after use.

Simone Anderson covers it all – she’s a first-time mum, social media sensation, published author, writer, blogger, speaker and make-up artist. Recently welcoming her first child and son Asher into the world, Simone juggles her own activewear label Embrace with mum life and is admired by fans for her cleaning hacks and tips.

The opinions and viewpoints expressed by the author in this guide do not necessarily reflect the views of WaterWipes and are intended as a general information resource. If you have any concerns about your baby, please consult a specialist or Healthcare Professional.